Solutions Not Suspensions


Quick Facts about the Solutions Not Suspensions Act

Bill Numbers: A4591/S1040 
Bill Sponsors: Senator Robert Jackson and Assembly Member Michaelle Solages 

Key Provisions

  • Require school codes of conduct to include restorative approaches to discipline, to proactively foster a school community based on cooperation, communication, trust, and respect
  • Limit the use of suspensions for students in pre-Kindergarten through 3rd grade to only the most serious behavior
  • Shorten the maximum length of suspensions from 180 to 20 school days
  • Require that students who are suspended receive academic instruction, and the opportunity to earn credit, complete assignments, and take exams.
  • Prohibits suspensions for minor incidents such as violating a dress code, or “talking back” to a teacher; 
  • Strengthens due process protects for students at risk of suspension
  • Applies all of these provisions to charter schools as well as public schools

There’s very little time left to pass the bill this year, but it isn’t too late. Take action now with the toolkit below! 

STEP 1 | Make Some Calls

Use the scripts below to call state leaders, and when you’re done, please encourage family and friends to make a call too.

Assembly Speaker Carl Heastie: (518) 455-3791

Hello, my name is BLANK. 

I am calling to urge Speaker Heastie to pass the Solutions not Suspensions Act, bill no. A5691, this session, with all the core provisions intact, which were also recommended by the New York State Education Department. 

Last year in New York State, students lost almost 1 MILLION days of instruction due to suspensions. The vast majority are Black students, students with disabilities, students from low-income households, and LGBTQ+. That’s not discipline, that’s discrimination.

For seven years this issue has been overlooked despite overwhelming evidence that children are being harmed and that suspensions do not solve behavioral issues. The Assembly has been a leader on this historically and has an opportunity to protect the lives and futures of thousands of New York’s children. 

Thank you for your time and consideration. 

Senate Majority Leader, Andrea Stewart Cousins: (518) 455-2415

Hello, my name is BLANK. 

I am calling to urge Majority Leader Andrea Stewart Cousins to pass the Solutions not Suspensions Act, bill no. S1040, this session. I urge the Senate to pass this bill with all of the core provisions intact, which were also recommended by the New York State Education Department. 

Last year in New York State, students lost almost 1 MILLION days of instruction due to suspensions. The vast majority are Black students, students with disabilities, students from low-income households, and LGBTQ+. That’s not discipline, that’s discrimination.

For seven years this issue has been overlooked despite overwhelming evidence that children are being harmed and that suspensions do not solve behavioral issues. The Senate took a huge step in holding two historic hearings. Now it has an opportunity to protect the lives and futures of thousands of New York’s children by passing the bill. 

Thank you for your time and consideration.

STEP 2 | Tweet at State Leaders

Click here to Tweet the message below to State Leaders:

Public education is our children’s right. Too many of our most vulnerable students are being pushed out of the classroom. It’s time to pass the #SolutionsNotSuspensions Act! @carlheastie, @andreascousins, it’s time for the @NYSA_Majority and @NYSenDems to help New York’s kids!

Click to Tweet:

Suspensions disproportionately impact students of color, LGBTQ+, and disabled students. @CarlHeastie, @AndreaSCousins, @NYSA_Majority, @NYSenateDems, we need you to pass #SolutionsNotSupsensions this session for our kids!

Click to Tweet:

Across NYS, Black students are pushed out at 2-4x the rate of their white peers. @AndreaSCousins, @CarlHeastie, @NYSA_Majority, @NYSenateDems, it’s time to end this injustice against students of color. Pass #SolutionsNotSuspensions this session!

Click to Tweet:

Restorative practices instead of punitive punishment. Emotional and academic support instead of pushing vulnerable students out. It’s what every child deserves. @AndreaSCousins, @CarlHeastie, @NYSA_Majority, @NYSenateDems, it’s time to pass #SolutionsNotSuspensions.

STEP 3 | Email Your Legislators

Click to send an email to the Governor and lawmakers with the greatest influence over the bill’s passage through committees.


Click to download and save all the following graphics, or tap and hold an individual image on mobile to save to your phone: 

Solutions Not Suspensions 1 Solutions Not Suspensions 2 Solutions Not Suspensions 3 Solutions Not Suspensions 4Solutions Not Suspensions 5 Solutions Not Suspensions 6








Got a few more minutes for Solutions Not Suspensions?

Here are some additional leaders you can call right now. Each person holds a lot of influence, so we need their support!  

Assembly Leaders

Crystal People Stokes, Assembly Majority Leader: (518) 455-5005

Phil Ramos, Deputy Speaker: 518-455-5185

Senate Leaders

Liz Krueger, Chair of Senate Finance Committee: (518) 455-2297 

Michael Gianaris, Deputy Majority Leader: (518) 455-3486