Governor Cuomo Cuts Aid to Municipalities

ALBANY, N.Y. (June 24, 2020) — At a time when our cities are hurting from the loss of revenue, and the needs of New Yorkers are dramatically increasing, Governor Cuomo has abandoned his responsibility to take action. The Governor would have us all believe that he bears no responsibility for that financial and emotional pain that … Continue reading Governor Cuomo Cuts Aid to Municipalities

Police-Free Schools Are a Victory for Rochester’s Students & Families

ROCHESTER, N.Y. (June 16, 2020) — Today, Rochester will make history when the City Council votes to create police-free public schools, making it the third city in the nation to take this important step in the wake George Floyd’s murder and the subsequent uprisings. Cities around the nation are at last recognizing the danger and … Continue reading Police-Free Schools Are a Victory for Rochester’s Students & Families

New York Needs Police-Free Schools, Not Education Cuts

NEW YORK, N.Y. (June 9, 2020) — In response to the New York City Independent Budget Office brief showing a cut of $475 million from New York City public schools, the public education advocacy organization Alliance for Quality Education released the following statement: “Common sense says that we should not cut from public schools. Common sense says … Continue reading New York Needs Police-Free Schools, Not Education Cuts

Police Have No Place in New York’s Public Schools

ALBANY, N.Y. (June 3, 2020) — Yesterday the Minneapolis Board of Education voted to sever its relationship with the Minneapolis Police Department (MPD), which until now had been the recipient of more than $1 million in education funds to put its officers in schools. In response, the public education advocacy organization Alliance for Quality Education released … Continue reading Police Have No Place in New York’s Public Schools

Gov. Cuomo Erases Black & Brown New Yorkers Fighting for Educational Equity

ALBANY, N.Y. (June 1, 2020) — The public education advocacy organization Alliance for Quality Education released the following statement in response to comments made by Governor Cuomo regarding education on Sunday: “Yesterday Governor Cuomo told a boldfaced lie to rewrite a version of history in which he is a lone voice in New York speaking up for … Continue reading Gov. Cuomo Erases Black & Brown New Yorkers Fighting for Educational Equity

Keep Cuomo’s hands off New York City’s budget 

NEW YORK, N.Y. (May 26, 2020) — In response to reports that Mayor de Blasio is seeking approval from New York State for the city to borrow to cover its operating expenses, the education advocacy organization Alliance for Quality Education released the following statement: “Mayor de Blasio’s intention to gain approval from the State to … Continue reading Keep Cuomo’s hands off New York City’s budget 

Education advocates respond to Governor Cuomo’s announcement to collaborate with the Gates Foundation to reimagine education

Education advocates respond to Governor Cuomo’s announcement to collaborate with the Gates Foundation to reimagine education ALBANY, N.Y. (May 5, 2020) — In response to Governor Cuomo’s announcement that New York State will collaborate with the Gates Foundation to reimagine education, the public education advocacy organization Alliance for Quality Education released the following statement: “Governor … Continue reading Education advocates respond to Governor Cuomo’s announcement to collaborate with the Gates Foundation to reimagine education

During a Health Crisis, Leaders Demonstrate a Lack of Leadership

New York City, NY (April 11th, 2020)— Early today, Mayor Bill DeBlasio under the advice of public health experts, announced that schools would be closed for the remainder of the school year due to the raging coronavirus pandemic. At the epicenter of the decision is the crippling impact the virus has had on our city and people. … Continue reading During a Health Crisis, Leaders Demonstrate a Lack of Leadership

At Time of Greatest Need, New York’s Lawmakers Abandon Students & Families

ALBANY, N.Y. (April 1, 2020) — Governor Cuomo announced that he and the New York State legislature have reached a three way agreement on a final budget. The budget bills, which are expected to be voted on later today, would flat-fund public education. In response, the public education advocacy organization Alliance for Quality Education released … Continue reading At Time of Greatest Need, New York’s Lawmakers Abandon Students & Families

Governor Cuomo’s Callous Disregard of New York’s Children

ALBANY, N.Y. (March 27, 2020) — The public education advocacy organization Alliance for Quality Education released the following statement: “While Governor Cuomo is filling news cycles with his response to the COVID-19 crisis, he is preparing a state budget that would devastate educational opportunities for the children of New York. When it comes to our children … Continue reading Governor Cuomo’s Callous Disregard of New York’s Children