If you already know your State Assemblymember and Senator, you can skip to step 3!
Step 1: Look up your legislators
Enter your address to find out your State Senator and Assemblymember.
Step 2: Find your Legislators’ Twitter handles
Look them up by name or district.
Other Important Twitter Handles to know:
Gov Cuomo: @NYGovCuomo
Andrea Stewart Cousins: @AndreaSCousins
Carl Heastie: @CarlHeastie
Assembly Majority: @NYSA_Majority
Senate Majority: @NYSenate
Step 3: Download Sample Graphics (optional)
Step 4: Tweet at your elected officials
Sample targeted posts
REMINDER: you must add your legislators’ twitter handles to the sample Tweets below before using them!
We cannot allow this pandemic to deepen inequality in our state. This is not a time to balance the budget on the backs of children and families. [INSERT HANDLES] vote no on any budget that doesn’t #FundNYSchools & #MakeBillionairesPay!
NY’s 112 billionaires with a combined wealth of $525 billion, nearly 5 times our entire state budget, need to pay more to protect our schools and hospitals. [INSERT HANDLES] go back to the negotiation table and demand to #MakeBillionairesPay to invest in our communities and #FundNYSchools!
Stand up for children, families, educators and healthcare workers. We need to #FundNYSchools #CancelRent & #NoBailRollbacks #NoMedicaidCuts. [INSERT HANDLES] reject any budget that cuts our health care, schools, and rolls back bail protections!
Step 5: Ask 5 others to take action
Share this link on your social media, and tag 5 other people asking them to send an email to their representatives in Albany.
Sample sharing posts
The only winners in the #NYbudget right now are New York’s billionaires and ultra rich! Tell your State Senator and Assemblymember to VOTE NO on this budget that fails to protect our most vulnerable New Yorkers bit.ly/VOTENO20
The #NYbudget is devastating. It cuts school funding. @NYSA_Majority & @NYSenate are still considering cuts to hospitals in the middle of #COVID19, rolling back the historic bail reform changes that keeps innocent New Yorkers out of over crowded jails. And there are still no rent protections. Tell legislators to VOTE NO! bit.ly/VOTENO20
Our representatives are in Albany to work on behalf of the people, not millionaires and billionaires! They must VOTE NO on any budget that harms our communities! bit.ly/VOTENO20