Governor Undermines Historic Investment in Public Schools With Permanent & Massive Charter Expansion

ALBANY, N.Y. (February 1, 2023) — In response to Governor Hochul’s Executive budget address on Wednesday, the public education advocacy organization Alliance for Quality Education released the following statement: “We applaud Governor Hochul for keeping her promise to New York’s children by fully funding the Foundation Aid formula at 100 percent for the first time … Continue reading Governor Undermines Historic Investment in Public Schools With Permanent & Massive Charter Expansion

Adams Proposes Continued Harm and Disinvestment from Children & Families

NEW YORK, N.Y. (January 12, 2023) — In response to the release of Mayor Adams’ preliminary budget proposal on Thursday, public education advocacy group Alliance for Quality Education released the following statement: “Mayor Adams continues to propose austerity measures that harm children, families, schools and communities. At a time when our children need intense social, … Continue reading Adams Proposes Continued Harm and Disinvestment from Children & Families

Adoption of FSF Recommendations Will Advance Equity for NYC’s​ Students

NEW YORK, N.Y. (January 23, 2023) — In response to the announcement today from New York City Mayor Eric Adams and New York City Department of Education (DOE) Chancellor David C. Banks proposing improvements to the Fair Student Funding (FSF) formula, public education advocacy organization Alliance for Quality Education released the following statement: “We applaud … Continue reading Adoption of FSF Recommendations Will Advance Equity for NYC’s​ Students

100% Foundation Aid marks historic milestone for New York

ALBANY, N.Y. (January 10, 2023) — In response to Governor Hochul’s 2023 New York State of the State address, the public education advocacy organization Alliance for Quality Education released the following statement: “The completion of the Foundation Aid phase-in announced by Governor Kathy Hochul today marks a historic milestone for New York State’s public schools, … Continue reading 100% Foundation Aid marks historic milestone for New York

Tell Governor Hochul to sign the child care bill!

Earlier this year, State Legislators passed a bill that would decouple child care subsidies from parents’ work hours. This bill would help New York’s families consistently access the child care assistance they need, but Governor Hochul needs to sign the bill by Saturday for it to become law. Email her now! This bill is a … Continue reading Tell Governor Hochul to sign the child care bill!

It’s time for Gov. Hochul to deliver on her promises to New York’s children

Last week, New York voted to give Governor Hochul a historic full term, sending a clear message that we will not stand for Trump-aligned politicians who stoke fear, hate and lies, and deny elections. New York’s working families were critical to the Governor’s victory. Now it’s time for her to deliver for us. Email Governor … Continue reading It’s time for Gov. Hochul to deliver on her promises to New York’s children

With Election Victory, Gov. Hochul Must Prepare to Deliver on Education & Child Care Promises

ALBANY, N.Y. (November 9, 2022) — In response to the gubernatorial election result, the public education advocacy organization Alliance for Quality Education released the following statement: “New York voted last night to give Governor Hochul a historic full term — the first woman to be elected to the office in our state’s history. With this … Continue reading With Election Victory, Gov. Hochul Must Prepare to Deliver on Education & Child Care Promises

Fair Student Funding Report Identifies Initial Steps for Improvements in Educational Equity

NEW YORK, N.Y. (November 4, 2022) — Following the release of the Fair Student Funding Working Group’s final report and recommendations on Friday, the public education advocacy organization Alliance for Quality Education released the following statement: “The Working Group’s final report represents an initial effort to make some improvements to the Fair Student Funding formula. … Continue reading Fair Student Funding Report Identifies Initial Steps for Improvements in Educational Equity