Governor Cuomo’s State of the State Glosses Over the Needs of Black, Brown and Low-Income Students

ALBANY, NY (January 3, 2018) — In response to Governor Andrew Cuomo’s State of the State, the Alliance for Quality Education released the following statement: “Governor Cuomo’s State of the State opened with a commitment to fight racial inequity, but his education policies are part of the problem when it comes to systemic racism in … Continue reading Governor Cuomo’s State of the State Glosses Over the Needs of Black, Brown and Low-Income Students

Education Increases Since 2008 Amount to a Zero

A new report released by the Center for Budget and Policy Priorities shows that New York State is still shortchanging Black, Brown and low income students as state formula funding is below 2008 funding levels. In 2007, as a result of the Campaign for Fiscal Equity, the State committed to providing $5.5 billion in operating … Continue reading Education Increases Since 2008 Amount to a Zero

NY Progressives Respond to Klein Accepting Cuomo Deal: Bad Deal Yesterday, Bad Deal Today

Any Deal Must Put New York Families, Not Politics, First On Tuesday, IDC leader Jeff Klein announced he has embraced Governor Cuomo’s proposed reunification deal. In response, community organizations across the state issued a joint statement. The statement can be attributed to the Alliance for Quality Education, Citizen Action of New York, Community Voices Heard … Continue reading NY Progressives Respond to Klein Accepting Cuomo Deal: Bad Deal Yesterday, Bad Deal Today

AQE calls for Systematic Support & Training for Educators in Wake of School Tragedy in the Bronx

NEW YORK, NY (September 28, 2017) — Our schools should be safe and supportive environments where teachers can teach and students can learn. Yesterday’s tragic incident has led to many lives being forever changed and one life lost. Families, students and educators are in need of support and comfort as they began this long and … Continue reading AQE calls for Systematic Support & Training for Educators in Wake of School Tragedy in the Bronx

New Yorkers Join Communities Nationwide Marching for Education

Wednesday Is National Day of Action To Oppose the Trump/DeVos Anti-Education Agenda New York, N.Y. (Wednesday, September 20, 2017) — Parents, educators and community members gathered Wednesday outside the Trump building on Wall Street for a rally and speak-out in support of public education, before marching to the U.S. Department of Education office. Speakers, including … Continue reading New Yorkers Join Communities Nationwide Marching for Education

Alliance for Quality Education Responds to Governor Cuomo’s Plan to put State Troopers in Public schools

Long Island Students Need Social Workers Not State Troopers BRENTWOOD, N.Y. (September 15, 2017) — Two days ago Governor Cuomo announced a plan to have New York State Troopers patrol the hallways of Long Island schools. The six school districts where Cuomo wants to deploy State Troopers are all underfunded. In fact the state owes … Continue reading Alliance for Quality Education Responds to Governor Cuomo’s Plan to put State Troopers in Public schools

Groups Call on Cuomo to Cut Ties With Loeb Following Racist Attack

ALBANY, NY (August 11, 2017) — In the wake of hedge fund billionaire Dan Loeb’s racist attack on State Senate Democratic Leader Andrea Stewart-Cousins on Wednesday, 14 organizations have released a letter calling on Governor Andrew Cuomo to disassociate himself from Loeb, a Cuomo ally and supporter, and to return the more than $170,000 in campaign … Continue reading Groups Call on Cuomo to Cut Ties With Loeb Following Racist Attack

Court of Appeals Allows “Sound Basic Education” Claim to Proceed to Trial for New York City & Syracuse

Decision Has No Impact on $3.6 Billion in Foundation Aid the State Owes to Public Schools Today the New York State Court of Appeals, the state’s highest court, ruled that the New Yorkers for Students’ Educational Rights (NYSER) school funding lawsuit can proceed to trial on its claim that the State is violating students’ constitutional … Continue reading Court of Appeals Allows “Sound Basic Education” Claim to Proceed to Trial for New York City & Syracuse

Pay to Play Report: IDC Accepted Nearly $700,000 From Charter School Backers and PACs

Charters Rewarded in State Budget for Substantial Campaign Donations The Alliance for Quality Education on Thursday released a report detailing the campaign donations that the Independent Democratic Conference (IDC), the group of breakaway Democrats who support Republican control of the New York State  Senate, accepted from charter school donors over the past six years. The … Continue reading Pay to Play Report: IDC Accepted Nearly $700,000 From Charter School Backers and PACs