​AQE Congratulates Chancellor Young​

ALBANY, N.Y. (January 12, 2021) — In response to the Board of Regent’s unanimous election of Lester Young as Chancellor, the public education advocacy organization Alliance for Quality Education released the following statement: “Chancellor Young has been a long time warrior of education justice and equity in education. His work while a member of the board … Continue reading ​AQE Congratulates Chancellor Young​

Invest in Our New York: Stop Budget Cuts and End Tax Cuts for the Rich!

Sign the petition: Tell Governor Cuomo to pass the Invest In Our New York Act! Our communities were already underfunded before the pandemic — and now, the Governor is making our pain worse by slashing 20% in funding for our housing and healthcare, our schools and teachers, our towns and cities. While we’ve been enduring … Continue reading Invest in Our New York: Stop Budget Cuts and End Tax Cuts for the Rich!

State of Education: What to Watch For in Gov. Cuomo’s Address

New York parents are struggling dealing with the challenges created by school closures, remote learning and limited access to adequate tools and supports. It is estimated that hundreds of thousands of students are enrolled in remote learning, but do not have a laptop. Access to high speed internet continues to be a problem for students … Continue reading State of Education: What to Watch For in Gov. Cuomo’s Address

Tell Cuomo and State Legislators: Public schools need stimulus money now!

As the pandemic rages on, our public schools have struggled to create a safe environment for students and make learning possible, whether in person or remote. That is because schools are not receiving nearly enough resources to take on the monumental challenge of COVID-19. Almost half of students in New York still do not have … Continue reading Tell Cuomo and State Legislators: Public schools need stimulus money now!

Senator Chuck Schumer Delivers Big for NY Students & Schools

The Consolidated Appropriations Act of 2021 passed by Congress recently  includes significant aid for public education, with about $4 billion for New York’s K-12 public schools and $450 million for child care. In response, the public education advocacy organization Alliance for Quality Education released the following statement: “As the pandemic rages on, our public schools … Continue reading Senator Chuck Schumer Delivers Big for NY Students & Schools

Tell Your New York Legislators to Pass the Educational Rights Transparency Act

The COVID-19 crisis is deepening the already-enormous gaps in educational opportunity that harm far too many of New York’s children, especially Black and Brown children. The introduction of remote learning has added yet another layer of inequity in educational resources for Black and Brown children. Though the health disparities of the pandemic have been widely … Continue reading Tell Your New York Legislators to Pass the Educational Rights Transparency Act

Democratic Supermajority Puts New York Closer to Fully Funded Public Schools​

ALBANY, N.Y. (November 23, 2020) — In response to Senate Majority Leader Andrea Stewart-Cousins’ announcement today that the Democratic Conference has won a supermajority in the State Senate, the public education advocacy organization Alliance for Quality Education released the following statement: “As the final ballots are counted, today we celebrate a historic Democratic supermajority in … Continue reading Democratic Supermajority Puts New York Closer to Fully Funded Public Schools​

New York Must Prioritize Students, Not Profits In COVID-19 Response

ALBANY, N.Y. (November 17, 2020) — As COVID-19 infection rates again rise across New York State, the public education advocacy organization Alliance for Quality Education released the following statement: “New York’s families need leadership and a plan that prioritizes children. As the pandemic worsens, our state and local leaders are still prioritizing the bottom lines of … Continue reading New York Must Prioritize Students, Not Profits In COVID-19 Response

Celebrating 20 Years of Advocacy

2020 marks AQE’s 20th birthday. In October, we held a (virtual) celebration of our accomplishments and perseverance in this unprecedented year: AQE parents led the fight online and in the streets, for police-free schools, fighting against funding cuts, and ensuring that our communities had a voice in the reopening of schools amidst a global pandemic. 

Stop across-the-board cuts to Early Childhood Education & Afterschool

Governor Cuomo is proposing a minimum 20% cut to state funding for prekindergarten, preschool special education, child care and after-school services this year. These critical services are essential for children, families and the community and key to the successful reopening of public schools and sustaining local economies. We know that across-the-board cuts will have a … Continue reading Stop across-the-board cuts to Early Childhood Education & Afterschool