Governor Cuomo’s Cuts Are Hurting Black Communities

After a decade+ of cuts & underfunding, it’s clear that Governor Cuomo doesn’t care about Black communities. New Yorkers are at a breaking point. Covid-19 didn’t cause the current crisis – it uncovered the massive economic disparity in our state. This runaway inequality is the result of years of Cuomo’s austerity budgets and his refusal … Continue reading Governor Cuomo’s Cuts Are Hurting Black Communities

Tell State Legislators: Include child care in the final state budget!

As part of the federal stimulus packages, New York is expected to receive $1.8 billion under the American Rescue Act Plan plus $469 million for child care. New York must invest these funds in the ways we know will help families and the child care sector now. And the New York Legislature, whose members are informed and … Continue reading Tell State Legislators: Include child care in the final state budget!

State Legislators call for fully funding public education in the budget

ALBANY, N.Y. (March 22, 2021) — For the first time in years, both the Senate and Assembly one-house budget proposals include a full phase-in of Foundation Aid funding that the State owes to its public schools, in addition to $7 billion in new revenue streams. After decades of neglect, these one-house resolutions create a real opportunity … Continue reading State Legislators call for fully funding public education in the budget

Analysis: New York State Assembly & Senate Budget Proposals

ALBANY, N.Y. (March 16, 2021) — The public education advocacy organization Alliance for Quality Education released the following analysis and reaction to the New York State State Senate and Assembly 2021-22 budget proposals: “The budget proposals put forward by the New York State Senate and Assembly reaffirm the state’s commitment to prioritize funding for our children … Continue reading Analysis: New York State Assembly & Senate Budget Proposals

Let’s build a child care system for all NY families

New York parents cannot get back to work without child care. Yet, New York’s Child Care providers are struggling to keep their doors open at a time when child care is needed more than ever. New York State has not made the investment to pay early childhood educators a living wage and build a system for … Continue reading Let’s build a child care system for all NY families

NY’s elected leaders must prioritize students & child care

For the second year in a row, Governor Cuomo is trying to cut funding from public schools. But the governor cannot pass a budget alone. Senate Leader Andrea Stewart-Cousins and Assembly Speaker Carl Heastie will ultimately join the Governor in making the final decisions in the enacted budget — and right now, they are deciding … Continue reading NY’s elected leaders must prioritize students & child care


Today, Education Law Center released a research brief analyzing state school aid cuts in New York Governor Andrew Cuomo’s FY22 State Budget. For a second straight year, the Governor wants to impose significant cuts on school districts. For the 2021-22 school year, the proposed cuts would total $2 billion statewide.    If enacted by the Legislature, the … Continue reading CUOMO PROPOSES TO SHORTCHANGE STUDENTS IMPACTED BY COVID-19 …AGAIN

AQE & CEJ Respond to Resignation of Chancellor Carranza

NEW YORK, N.Y. (February 26, 2021) — In response to the resignation of Richard A. Carranza and the appointment of Meisha Porter as Chancellor of New York City Public Schools, public education advocacy organizations Alliance for Quality Education and NYC Coalition for Educational Justice released the following statement: “Many thanks to Chancellor Carranza for his … Continue reading AQE & CEJ Respond to Resignation of Chancellor Carranza

State Senators Need to Protect Students, Not Ultra Rich

With public schools still grappling with how to address the ongoing challenges created by COVID-19, the stakes of the ongoing state budget negotiations in Albany are higher than ever. For years New Yorkers have worked hard to win Democratic control of the State Legislature, and as a result of that statewide effort Democrats now have … Continue reading State Senators Need to Protect Students, Not Ultra Rich