We can’t stop fighting

The 2020-2021 state budget was voted on just a week ago, but the fight is far from over. The enacted budget included nothing to address our children’s educational, social and emotional needs, especially amidst the devastation that COVID-19 is spreading in our communities. With a zero percent increase, the budget leaves school districts exposed to … Continue reading We can’t stop fighting

NY legislators must reject the budget!

Most of the budget bills are out, and waiting to be voted on. What we know so far is devastating. This budget will cut funding for schools that are in urgent need or more resources, not less. It could cut funding for hospitals amidst a pandemic. The legislature is still considering rolling back the historic bail reform … Continue reading NY legislators must reject the budget!

Tell your legislators to vote NO on the budget

April 1st — it’s budget day.   Most of the budget bills are out, but we’re still missing some key bills. What we know so far, this budget is devastating. This budget will cut funding for schools that are in urgent need or more resources, not less. It could cut funding for hospitals amidst a pandemic. The … Continue reading Tell your legislators to vote NO on the budget

New York’s budget needs to put children first

Governor Cuomo’s fighting for a budget that would severely shortchange our public schools. But the Governor cannot pass a budget alone. Next week, New York State legislators will release their state budget proposals. Senate Majority Leader Andrea Stewart-Cousins and Assembly Speaker Carl Heastie will ultimately join the Governor in making the final decisions in the … Continue reading New York’s budget needs to put children first