Our Schools Deserve Better: It’s Time for Mayor Adams to Resign!

In light of tonight’s announcement of Mayor Eric Adams’ federal indictment, Co-Executive Directors Marina Marcou-O’Malley and Zakiyah Shaakir-Ansari of the public education advocacy organization the Alliance for Quality Education released the following statement:

“Tonight’s federal indictment of Mayor Eric Adams highlights the crisis he has created, directly affecting New York City’s public schools and the families they serve. His administration’s missteps and misplaced priorities continue to sideline the needs of students, parents, and educators, leaving our students without the support they urgently need. This leadership crisis has become too much of a distraction for our city. It is time for Mayor Adams to resign!

“We believe Public Advocate Jumaane Williams is the right leader to provide the stable direction our city desperately needs. His commitment to education justice and deep understanding of the challenges facing working families make him the ideal advocate for our city during this time. Having collaborated closely with Jumaane for years, we are confident that his vision for equity and justice can guide us through this turmoil and ensure that every child has the resources necessary to learn, grow, and thrive.

“The implications of this indictment are serious, casting a shadow over an administration that has repeatedly cut the budgets of our public schools and libraries since he has been in office. Families and students need a mayor focused on their needs, not one ensnared in scandals. This is especially clear with Props 2-6, a sneaky move by the mayor to change the city’s constitution, granting himself more power and eroding essential checks and balances. New Yorkers must vote no on Props 2-6. Empowering Adams in this way would not only undermine democracy but also jeopardize the protections we have in place that keep our communities strong.”