Foundation Aid Hearing Resources

The Rockefeller Institute is currently gathering feedback in order to make nonbinding recommendations on potential revisions to the Foundation Aid formula. Your input through this process will inform their final report, which will make recommendations to the State on modifying the current formula. It’s likely that these recommendations will factor into the Governor’s education budget proposal for the next fiscal year.

How to Participate


  • Attend, Speak at, or Tune Into Hearings
    • Stakeholder Testimony begins at 2pm.
    • Public Comment for registered speakers starts at 5:30pm.
    • To speak at a hearing, submit a speaker registration form in advance.
    • All hearings will be livestreamed. If you cannot attend in person, you can still participate virtually (find links below).
Upcoming Hearing Dates and Locations

Find the livestreams and recordings for each hearing hyperlinked:

  • July 16: Manhattan, NYC (High School of Fashion Industries)
  • July 25: Buffalo, Western NY (North Park Community School)
  • July 30: Farmingdale, Long Island (Weldon E. Howitt Middle School)
  • August 8: Laurens, Central NY (Laurens Central School)
  • August 14: Guilderland, Capital Region (Guilderland High School)
Resources as you Craft your Testimony

Your participation is going to be vital in ensuring that the updated Foundation Aid formula meets the needs of our diverse students and communities. Thank you for your dedication to an equitable public education system for all New Yorkers.